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Please note changes and keep this document for future reference.

CIC Website is:

All information will be posted on our website.

Newletters and notices are sent to members in goodstanding only.

If you are a member in good standing and would like to receive email please send you name address Lot# and email to

CIC webmaster



  • Please provide NAME, ADDRESS, TELEPHONE #, E-MAIL, and Lot #’s on ALL correspondence.  New owners must contact the President to register.


  • DUES DEADLINE:  The deadline for payment of dues is January 2nd each year. Dues received after February lst will be considered late and a fee of $50 per lot will apply.  There will be a 10% interest charge, compounded annually, per lot, on any  unpaid dues.  After a lot owner is 6 months in arrears, the account will be turned over for legal action.  Checks should be made payable to:  CIC, Inc. and sent to the Treasurer whose address  is listed on the website.


  • Annual Meeting: The annual meeting will be held on the third (3rd) Saturday every July at l:00 p.m. Atlantic Time at the Conference Center of the F.D. Roosevelt International Park unless otherwise posted on the website.


  • Dinner at the Annual Meeting will be hosted by the Board of Directors.  A $30 deposit (per person) is required to hold your reservation.  Menu selections will be posted on the website.  The deadline for making reservations is May 1st each year.  The cancellation deadline is June lst.  Your check will be returned to you at the dinner.  If you do not attend, and you do not cancel by June lst your check will be deposited to the CIC treasury.  Menu selections will be posted on the website. Contact information, along with your reservation, dinner selection, and check is required. CHECKS SHOULD BE MADE PAYABLE TO CIC, INC. AND SENT TO THE CIC VICE PRESIDENT whose address  is listed on the website.


  • Nominations for Directors:  Please access the by-laws section of the CIC

       Website  to obtain information on process if you wish to be considered

       as a Director. Your profile will be shared with members via the web prior to the annual meeting where voting takes place. 





Note:  If you do not have access to the website, please ask a relative or friend to print information for you.  Public libraries also allow you access to our website.




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