Campobello Island Club (CIC ) Properties are Highlighted in Yellow on the Enclosed map.
Campobello Island Club (CIC) properties are highlighted in yellow in the enclosed maps.
Map CIC Property PID Description
A All Map of all 13 properties
B 15036684 Mill Cove waterfront
C 15047699 Meadow with stream (old beaver pond)
C 15038607 Schooner Cove waterfront w/beach
D 15047939 Little Whale Cove waterfront
E 15048812 Lot on south end of Fundy Dr. across from water
E 15048556 Lot of south end of Fundy Dr w access to Park
F 15036809 Waterfront Bunker Hill side of Harbour de Lute
G 15039787 Waterfront Bunker Hill side of Harbour de Lute
G 15043391 Bunker Hill road side reserve and Pond onHWY 774
H 15058076 Bunker Hill road side reserve with spring
I 15042302 Harbour Heights road side reserve
I 15042716 Harbour Heights Tennis Court
I 15042674 Harbour Heights water front Mill Stream